Account Information

Instructions for each account type.

This website is for families with a genetic diagnosis to get information & share information.

Using this website is free, so it does not cost anything to use this service.

Your health professional (such as a genetic counsellor) can send you documents securely or you can also upload information or documents that you have already.

You, the ‘patient’ have control over what information is shared, and with whom.

Patient Accounts

(who have information to share about their diagnosis)

It is you, the ‘patient’, who decides who to invite and what documents you want to share.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Sign up for an account
  2. Activate your account. You will be sent a password and a link by email. You must click on the message: “Click here to activate account >” before any other action is possible.
  3. If required, you can connect to your health professional via Member -> Account Options (or directly here: You will need their email or username. Your health professional will then be able to add documents to your account within a folder labelled with their name. You are also welcome to share documents with relatives without connecting to a health professional if you already have files you wish to share.
  4. Add family members, that you would like to share documents with, to the system.
  5. Add any additional documents to your protected part of the site in the Member section under ‘My Documents’
  6. In ‘My Documents’ you decide who you wish to share certain documents with by clicking on “Share Files” and choosing from your available family members
  7. Invite family members to view documents via the site. Click on the 'Edit/ Access' links for each available family member, make sure that their details are correct and then click on the link to 'send them a document link'.

The ‘Resources’ section has information and links to useful websites that anyone can look at without being a member.

Click here to sign up as a patient

Health Care Professional Accounts

Health Professional Accounts

You, as a health professional can provide documents for patients electronically. However, it is the ‘patient’ who decides which relatives and health professionals to link up with and what documents they wish to share.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Sign up for an account
  2. Activate your account. You will be sent a password and a link by email. You must click on the message: “Click here to activate account>” before any other action is possible.
  3. Invite a patient to link up with you via Member section -> Account options You will need their email address.

    Your patient will receive the following message:
    “Hi, You are receiving this message as a health professional (**your name**) would like to share some medical documents with you using Family Web which is a new website for sharing medical documents with family members.

    If you would like to connect with **your name**, please complete the simple sign up process.

    Click here to sign up to Family Web >”
  4. Once you are connected to a patient, they will appear on the ‘Select Patient’ dropdown list under ‘My Documents’

    Once a patient is selected, you can choose to upload new documents for them.

    These documents will appear in the patients account within a folder labelled with your name. Files can be viewed, downloaded or deleted from the site.

    In this way, you can support many different patients without compromising confidentiality.

The ‘Resources’ section has open access information and links to useful websites.

Click here to sign up as an Health Professional

Family Members

Family Members

  1. If you have received an invitation by email from your relative it will give you a password and a link.
  2. Click on the link saying 'Please click here to view the documents>' and follow the instructions to view the documents your relative wishes to share with you. You will need to put in the unique password given in the email.

As a Family Member you can only look at the documents that your relative chooses to share with you. However if you wish to set up your own account for yourself as a ‘Patient’ you can do so.

The ‘Resources’ section has open access information and links to useful websites. You do not have to be a member to look at any of the information in this section.